
Newsflash November-February  2021/22

Lallab an NGO working specifically with a community of Muslim women, often the target of racial ethnic and religious hatred in France, invites me to run a series of workshops around mental health and self esteem.

Newsflash December 2021

bell hooks transitions –I am in the process of writing her a letter about the organisation for mental health I co-founded, Santé Mentale  de la Marge au Centre,  ASMMC, when I learn of her passing. It is a day, a month, years of mourning. But we shall rise and remain, testament living to her thinking. The logo of the NGO: inspired by congologese cosmogram and a remix of the greek sign usually attributed to mental health practionners.

Screenshot 2022-01-06 at 09.02.26O

Newsflash November 2021

Jury member for the sélection and attribution of funding toward therapeutic gardens in france. Nearly 100 candidates read. In record time. Exhausting but very interesting collaboration with Jardins et Sante.  

Newsflash September/October 2021

Gone and back again to Chamchamal in northern Irak to help train psychotraumatologists learn how garden therapy may support their work with clients at the Jiyan clinic. More information about the programme during an interview with Isabelle Boucq.


Newsflash Juillet 2021

Round table intervention for Not fully Human exposition à la Galerie d’art parisienne Kadiste 75018 around mental health and the post colonial clinique. Moving and necessary sharing and exchange in the house Rester Étranger up in the 93, with the artiste Italienne Barbara Manzetti and her intentional family. The recording for radio can be consulted.

Newsflash May 2021

La Fédération Française Jardins Nature Santé welcomes me for a second term on the board of directors. How time flies.

Newsflash March 2021

Birth of the NGO  Santé Mentale de la Marge au Centre, umbrella organisation composée de personnes physiques et morales et qui concourent à la promotion de la santé mentale pour les personnes les plus exposées et les plus vulnérables psycho-socialement. Il y a la volonté de visibiliser, de former et d’accompagner autour de ces populations les plus éloignées des soins.

Webinaire Trellis 

Un court intervention de la fédération Française jardin nature Santé dans le colloque internationale organise par nos collègues écossais.

Newsflash Octobre 2020

Atelier Terre (Argile)

Invitée à participer en tant qu’animatrice aux ateliers de la journée pratique sur la sexualité des femmes noires  “Oui s’y frotte s’y pique”, organisé par Un Cactus de Cabinet.

Newsflash August 2020

Jiyan Foundation and the Chamachal Healing Garden

La formation en hortitherapie des equipes de psychotraumatologues en Kurdistan se poursuit malgré les difficultes provoquées par la pandemie et les restrictions de voyage. Les platformes et supports digitales sont au rendez vous. Zoom, Moodle, Roundcube…..nous multiplions les moyens de communication et d’ensegnement à distance pour ce projet humanitaire.

Newsflash Mars 2020

Le Collectif PsyNoirEs oeuvre dans la communauté.

Le Collectif PsyNoirEs monte une cellulle de crise en periode Covid-19. Avec neuf autres femmes professionelles de la santé mentale, je propose acceuil telephonique, ecoute solidaire et gratuite pour accompagner les personnes les plus marginalisees lors du confinement/deconfinement. La sante mentale des personnes racisées, des personnes en situation precaire, celles de la communuté LGBTIAQ sont au coeur du dispositif.

Newsflash Septembre 2019

IGGT annual conference Grunberg, Allemagne

Une opportuité pour echanger autour de l’approche nature, art et jardin de soin avec des collegues europeens.

Newsflash Juin 2019

The Nature of Cities Summit (or the David Maddox effect)

J’ai pu faire une intervention autour de l’hortitherapie et les jardins thérapeutiques lors d’une table ronde dans un des multiples workshops et interventions tenu à l’université de Paris. Pour découvrir plus sur cette colloque et le mouvement qu’il a pu générer je vous renvoie sur de la lecture ici.

Newsflash — 20 Mars 2019 

Co-fonder and Board member of la Federation Francaise Jardins Nature et Santé (FFJNS) , an NGO seeking to promote horticultural therapy, ecotherapies, therapeutic gardens in France.

To celebrate, as one of a séries of nation wide events, I held an open house at the atelier where people could come and learn more about these approches. It was also the opportunity to showcase  artists who work with nature. I would like to thank those who participated by graciously lending artworks for the occasion of “A Room with a View”  (titled in référence to the foundational study by Roger Ulrich (1983) on post opération réhabilitation when patients had visual access to parkviews from their rooms).

Mille merci to the photographes, ceramistes, plasticiens, videastes, musiciens, painters, poetes : sont Amihai Melki, Davide Barbarino, Erica Kramer, Esther Sherrow, Keja Ho Kramer, Laurent Vedrine, Natasha Muslera, Nicolas Auvray, Susan Bottrell, Tamara Walcott, Vallerie de Byskowa.


November 2018

A new studio space for Nature the Arts within.

Between Les Halles/Palais Royal

A place where you can come and settle in or settle down. Take a break, breath, slow down. Intimate, comfortable, welcoming. The new atelier is a place to come and explore, create, get lost, recover. Stop by for a cup of tea and a chat while I explain my nature based mindfully inspired art therapy approach to wellness. You can go for a walk in the garden of the Palais Royal or on the Seine afterwards.


Newsflash October 2017

We have settled in the 75015. Near metro Plaisance.

Not too far from Ste Anne’s psychiatric hospital where I still co-run the outpatient clay works group in the art therapy department of the addiction/anorexia unit.

You can catch me in the studio space for a consultation.

Or outdoors in one of the many squares and parks of the capital.

Come and make some Art, smell the roses or plant your inner garden.



Hot off the Press and coming soon end 2017.

A Sensory Awareness Studio and consulting Eco-Art Therapy space.

Variations on Sensory Awareness. A studio space for improvising on mindfulness studies.

A brick and mortar atelier and consulting workshop where you can explore coming back to your senses.

We will continue to work outdoors with the éléments and the more than human: playing, growing, wandering, creating, breathing, touching….dreaming.

But it may be useful to meet indoors from time to time to experiment, extend, enhance differently.

À bientôt.