ETHICS and Standards

“fruit says eat me; water says drink me; thunder says fear me […] the things in our environment tell us what to do with them” –Koffka

More than the principle of “do no harm”, the links between good health (santé) and well being (bien-être) must be straddled with care and professionalism.

This involves adopting the posture of unconditional positive  regard towards clients and respect for confidentiality.  As well as respecting the fundamental human rights, dignity, and liberties protected by the european and national french government, I am bound ethically to recognising the limits of Art therapy, Horticultural therapy or Nature based wellness approaches.


I do not engage in any form of psychological or physiological diagnosis or treatment but will invite you to address any serious concerns to the appropriate human services providers. 

Other important and concrete hallmarks of seriousness and excellence include notably

  • regular supervision or peer-vision
  • continuing education
  • dedication to good research which informs better practice
  • participation in professional public forums and professional community efforts.

The North American professional organisation American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), of which I am a member, has elaborated these documents as a guide to good practice.

Ethical considerations                     Standards of Practice

I am also a member of the French professional organisation, le Syndicat Francais des Arts Therapeutes (SFAT) and adhere to their code of ethics.

Code de déontologie des art-thérapeutes

AMAVIE, a unique French organisation promoting the professional interests of wellness and holistic health practitioners has its own charter to which I am also ethically bound.


Background Check/Casier Judiciaire

Parents of children requiring further proof of good conduct and character are welcome to request to see a copy of my police clearance record (or background check) the “casier judiciaire”. This document is required of any person working with children in France.


Professionnel Liability and Business Operations Liability (Assurance RCpro / RCexploitation) underwritten by Amavie/Abela Assurances, Chemin de l’Aube 26150 DIE, Téléphone : 0 805 814 815, worldwide jurisdiction except Usa/Canada.

Supervision and personal development 

In keeping with professional expectations, I am dedicated to self exploration and learning in order to provide better human services.

Supervision of my professional practice is currently provided by a doctor in psychology-art therapy and senior academic at the University of Paris. I regularly seek out psychotherapy with a private practitioner for continued self reflection. Furthermore, I am currently engaged in a psychoanalytic cure with a lacanian. I also continue to cultivate my Deep listening Sonic Meditations with a group based in Paris.

Professional education goals in most recent years have been met by  a challenging post graduate art therapy studies programme with the clinicians at Saint Anne Hospital/Ecole de Medecine-Universite Paris Descartes; and just ahead of the covid pandémic crisis, post graduate coursework in psychotrauma at the Université de Paris Descartes Medicine.

A long term goal is to pursue the doctoral degree.

I continue to make things, experimenting with materials: words, sound, plants, fibers, images. An ongoing project, a poetic song cycle, revolves around a forgotten  inhabitant at Père Lachaise, a sanctuary cemetery with extraordinary faune and flora. While the most recent poetic/musical art work speaks to transition, transcience, transitivity, tranifestation through the works of James Baldwin.